Thursday, October 13, 2016

Latent toxoplasmosis is associated with neurocognitive impairment in young adults with and without chronic HIV infection

2016 Oct 15;299:1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2016.08.003. Epub 2016 Aug 4.

We evaluated the impact of latent toxoplasmosis (LT) on neurocognitive (NC) and neurobehavioural functioning in young adults with and without chronic HIV infection, using a standardised NC test battery, self-reported Beck Depression Inventory, Frontal System Behavior Scale, MINI-International Neuropsychiatric Interview and risk-assessment battery. 194 young adults (median age 24years, 48.2% males) with chronic HIV infection (HIV+) since childhood and 51 HIV seronegative (HIV-) participants were included. HIV+ individuals had good current immunological status (median CD4: 479 cells/μl) despite a low CD4 nadir (median: 93 cells/μl). LT (positive anti-Toxoplasma IgG antibodies) was present in one third of participants. The impairment rates in the HIV- with and without Toxo were not significantly different (p=0.17). However, we observed an increasing trend (p<0 .001="" a="" abstracttext="" adults="" also="" analysis="" and="" antibody="" any="" associated="" behaviors="" chronic="" cognition="" concentration="" contribute="" depressive="" domains.="" dysfunction="" effects="" entire="" for="" frontal="" gds="" globally="" group="" groups.="" had="" higher="" hiv-="" hiv="" impairment="" in="" including="" infection.="" information="" latent="" learning="" lower="" lt.="" lt="" main="" may="" memory="" multivariable="" nc="" not="" of="" on="" or="" p="0.01)" participants="" performance="" processing="" rates="" risk="" scores.="" speed="" status:="" study="" symptoms="" systems="" t="" the="" there="" those="" to="" toxoplasma="" toxoplasmosis="" using="" values="" verbal="" was="" were="" with="" within="" without="" worse="" young="">


HIV; Latent toxoplasmosis; Neurocognitive impairment; Young adults

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